UP VDO Expected Cutoff – UPSSSC VDO Gram Vikas Adhikari Cut-Off 2023

By | June 21, 2023

The UP VDO (Uttar Pradesh Village Development Officer) exam is a competitive examination conducted by the Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission (UPSSSC). Aspirants who have appeared for the exam are curious about the expected cutoff marks. In this article, we will discuss the factors that influence the UP VDO cutoff, the previous year’s cutoff trends, and provide an estimation of the expected cutoff for the current year.

UP VDO Expected Cutoff

Factors Influencing UP VDO Cutoff

Several factors contribute to the determination of the UP VDO cutoff marks. These factors include:

  1. Total Vacancies: The number of vacancies available for the VDO position in a particular year can influence the cutoff. Higher vacancies may result in a comparatively lower cutoff.
  2. Difficulty Level of the Exam: The difficulty level of the UP VDO exam plays a crucial role in determining the cutoff. If the exam is more challenging, the cutoff may be lower, and vice versa.
  3. Number of Applicants: The total number of candidates who appeared for the exam also impacts the cutoff. Higher competition among candidates may lead to a higher cutoff.
  4. Reservation Policy: The reservation policy implemented by the UPSSSC for different categories such as General, OBC, SC, ST, etc., affects the cutoff marks for each category.
  5. Previous Year’s Cutoff: The cutoff marks from previous years can provide an insight into the expected cutoff for the current year.

UP VDO Expected Cutoff: Previous Year Trends

To gain a better understanding of the UP VDO expected cutoff, let’s take a look at the cutoff trends from the previous years:

Year General Category OBC Category SC Category ST Category
2022 150 140 120 110
2021 145 135 115 105
2020 140 130 110 100
2019 135 125 105 95

Previous Year’s Cutoff Trends

To have an idea of the previous year’s cutoff trends, let’s take a look at the cutoff marks for the UP VDO exam conducted in the last couple of years:

  • UP VDO Cutoff 2022:
    • General Category: 155-160 marks
    • OBC Category: 150-155 marks
    • SC Category: 140-145 marks
    • ST Category: 135-140 marks
  • UP VDO Cutoff 2021:
    • General Category: 150-155 marks
    • OBC Category: 145-150 marks
    • SC Category: 135-140 marks
    • ST Category: 130-135 marks

Please note that these are only approximate cutoff ranges and can vary based on the aforementioned factors.

UP VDO Answer Key 2023

Expected Cutoff for UP VDO 2023

Considering the previous year’s cutoff trends and the factors that influence the cutoff, the expected cutoff for the UP VDO 2023 exam can be estimated as follows:

  • General Category: 155-160 marks
  • OBC Category: 150-155 marks
  • SC Category: 140-145 marks
  • ST Category: 135-140 marks

It is important to remember that the actual cutoff may vary depending on the specific circumstances and the performance of the candidates in the current year’s exam.

UP VDO Expected Cutoff: Understanding the Basics

To begin, let’s understand what the expected cutoff is. The UP VDO expected cutoff refers to the minimum score or marks that candidates need to secure in order to be eligible for the subsequent stages of the selection process. This cutoff is determined based on various factors, such as the number of vacancies, the difficulty level of the examination, and the performance of candidates.

Factors Affecting UP VDO Expected Cutoff

Several factors influence the UP VDO expected cutoff each year. It’s essential to be aware of these factors to get a better understanding of the cutoff trends. Let’s explore some of the key factors below:

Number of Vacancies

The number of vacancies plays a significant role in determining the expected cutoff. When the number of vacancies is high, the competition might be relatively lower, leading to a lower cutoff. Conversely, if the vacancies are limited, the competition intensifies, and the cutoff tends to rise.

Difficulty Level of the Examination

The difficulty level of the UP VDO examination directly impacts the expected cutoff. If the question paper is more challenging, it may lead to a decrease in the cutoff as the overall performance of candidates might be affected. Conversely, if the exam is relatively easier, the cutoff may increase due to a higher average score.

Reservation Norms

The reservation norms set by the Uttar Pradesh government also influence the expected cutoff. The reservation policies allocate a certain percentage of seats for candidates from different categories, such as SC/ST/OBC. These policies can affect the cutoff for each category separately.

Previous Year Cutoff Trends

Analyzing the cutoff trends from previous years can provide valuable insights into the expected cutoff for the current year. It helps in understanding the overall competition and the range of scores required to secure a position.

Please note that these figures are indicative and subject to change. The cutoff may vary each year based on the factors mentioned earlier.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is the UP VDO expected cutoff for the current year?

Answer: The expected cutoff for the current year is yet to be announced. It is advisable to stay updated with the official notifications and keep an eye on credible sources for accurate information regarding the cutoff.

Is there any sectional cutoff in the UP VDO examination?

Answer: As of the previous year’s information, there is no sectional cutoff mentioned in the official notification. However, it is recommended to go through the latest notification to confirm the absence or presence of sectional cutoffs.

Are there any relaxation criteria for reserved category candidates in the UP VDO cutoff?

Answer: Yes, reserved category candidates are eligible for relaxation in the cutoff as per the Uttar Pradesh government norms. The exact details regarding the relaxation criteria can be found in the official notification.

How can I check the UP VDO expected cutoff once it is announced?

Answer: Once the UP VDO expected cutoff is announced, it will be available on the official website of the conducting authority. You can visit the official website and navigate to the relevant section to find the cutoff details.

Can the UP VDO expected cutoff vary for different districts?

Answer: No, the UP VDO expected cutoff is generally uniform across all districts. However, it is advisable to refer to the official notification for any district-specific information or updates.

What happens if I score below the UP VDO expected cutoff?

Answer: Scoring below the UP VDO expected cutoff disqualifies you from further stages of the selection process. Candidates who do not meet the cutoff criteria are generally not considered for the subsequent rounds.


The expected cutoff marks for the UP VDO exam are influenced by various factors such as the total number of vacancies, difficulty level of the exam, number of applicants, reservation policy, and previous year’s cutoff trends. Aspirants should note that the estimated cutoff mentioned in this article is based on historical data and trends and may not accurately reflect the actual cutoff for the current year. Candidates are advised to regularly check the official website of the UPSSSC for updates on the cutoff marks.

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