Bihar Vidhan Sabha Assistant Answer Key 2023

By | July 13, 2023

The Bihar Vidhan Sabha Assistant Answer Key 2023 is an essential document for candidates who appeared in the Bihar Vidhan Sabha Assistant examination. It provides a detailed overview of the correct answers to the questions asked in the exam. In this article, we will discuss the significance of the answer key, its availability, and how candidates can access it. So, let’s dive in and explore more about the Bihar Vidhan Sabha Assistant Answer Key.

Introduction to Bihar Vidhan Sabha Assistant Examination

The Bihar Vidhan Sabha Assistant Examination is a competitive exam conducted by the Bihar Vidhan Sabha for the recruitment of Assistant positions. It is a highly sought-after exam that attracts a large number of candidates every year. The examination tests the candidates’ knowledge and skills in various subjects, including General Knowledge, English Language, Reasoning, and Quantitative Aptitude.

Importance of Answer Key

The answer key plays a vital role for candidates who have appeared in the Bihar Vidhan Sabha Assistant Examination. It serves as a reference guide to assess their performance in the exam before the official results are declared. The answer key helps candidates to calculate their approximate scores and predict their chances of qualifying for further rounds of the selection process.

How to Access Bihar Vidhan Sabha Assistant Answer Key

Candidates can access the Bihar Vidhan Sabha Assistant Answer Key through the official website of the Bihar Vidhan Sabha. The answer key is usually released a few days after the completion of the examination. It is important for candidates to regularly visit the official website or keep themselves updated through reliable sources to know about the availability of the answer key.

Steps to Download Bihar Vidhan Sabha Assistant Answer Key

Here are the steps to download the Bihar Vidhan Sabha Assistant Answer Key:

Step 1: Visit the official website of the Bihar Vidhan Sabha.

Step 2: Look for the “Recruitment” or “Career” section on the homepage.

Step 3: Find the link for the Bihar Vidhan Sabha Assistant Answer Key.

Step 4: Click on the link to access the answer key.

Step 5: The answer key will be displayed on the screen in a PDF format.

Step 6: Download the answer key and save it for future reference.

How to Calculate Score Using the Answer Key

Candidates can calculate their scores using the Bihar Vidhan Sabha Assistant Answer Key by following these steps:

Step 1: Compare the answers marked by you in the exam with the correct answers mentioned in the answer key.

Step 2: Assign the appropriate marks for each correct answer as per the marking scheme.

Step 3: Add up the marks for all the correct answers.

Step 4: Subtract the marks for incorrect answers, if there is a negative marking.

Step 5: The total obtained marks will give you an estimate of your score in the examination.

Challenges and Objections to the Answer Key

In case a candidate has any objections or challenges regarding the answers mentioned in the answer key, they can raise their concerns through the prescribed procedure mentioned by the Bihar Vidhan Sabha. Candidates need to submit their objections within the specified time frame along with supporting evidence or references to justify their claim. The concerned authorities will review the objections and make the necessary corrections if required.

Expected Release Date of Bihar Vidhan Sabha Assistant Answer Key

The expected release date of the Bihar Vidhan Sabha Assistant Answer Key is usually within a week or two after the completion of the examination. However, it is important to note that the exact release date may vary, and candidates are advised to keep track of the official website for the latest updates.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Can I challenge the answers mentioned in the Bihar Vidhan Sabha Assistant Answer Key? Yes, candidates can challenge the answers if they have valid objections and supporting evidence.
  2. Is the Bihar Vidhan Sabha Assistant Answer Key available offline? No, the answer key is usually available online on the official website of the Bihar Vidhan Sabha.
  3. Can I use the answer key to calculate my final score? The answer key provides an estimate of your score. The final score will be calculated based on the official results declared by the Bihar Vidhan Sabha.
  4. What should I do if I find discrepancies in the Bihar Vidhan Sabha Assistant Answer Key? If you find any discrepancies, you can raise objections through the prescribed procedure mentioned by the Bihar Vidhan Sabha.
  5. When will the results of the Bihar Vidhan Sabha Assistant Examination be declared? The exact date of the result declaration will be announced by the Bihar Vidhan Sabha. Candidates are advised to regularly check the official website for updates.


The Bihar Vidhan Sabha Assistant Answer Key is a valuable resource for candidates who appeared in the examination. It allows them to assess their performance and calculate their approximate scores. Candidates should make use of the answer key to analyze their strengths and weaknesses and prepare for further rounds of the selection process. Stay tuned to the official website for the release of the answer key and other important updates.

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